Building up to a rather exciting recycling awareness campaign, we ran a fun free competition for Hoedowners.
During the Halkett Hoedown over 100 people entered our ‘Guess how many bottle tops?’ were in our Protecting what we can Fish Tank! We are delighted to say that Mr and Mrs Richardson a lovely couple from the UK were celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary were our lucky winners.
There were in fact 804 bottle tops in our fish tank with Mr Richardson guessing 810. Second place was Tina guessing 823 and 3rd place with 760 was Mrs S Garry. Lowest guess was 92 and highest was 4443! Mr and Mrs Richardson have asked their delicious prize of a Fruits de Mer from The Fresh Fish Company is re raffled at a future event so guests at The Lord and Lady Taverners Air Display BBQ hosted by Regus on Thursday 12th August will have another chance to win! Thank you Mr and Mrs Richardson. All bottle tops will be taken to Le Quennevais School who are organising a bottle top recycling programme so will not end up in nature’s fish tank causing hazard to our wildlife.