GAIN 2.6 Challenge

One of the biggest events due to take place was the London Marathon this Sunday 26 April. This has been replaced by the 2.6 Challenge, a UK charities initiative to raise funds and meet some of the shortfall that’s been created. The idea is that people can pick a challenge themed around 2.6 and make a donation to charity. Or forget about the challenge and just donate!

GAIN anticipate losing around £50,000 from events happening between April and June like the London Marathon, Vitality London and ASICS London, as well as all the other events that people hold: 5k and 10k park runs; tea dances; coffee mornings; and garden parties; as well as their own GAINmomentum event during May. There is potential for the restrictions to remain in place which would more than double that amount, meaning they are projecting a shortfall of £100,000.

Le Masurier is supporting this initiative to raise greater awareness for funding GAIN. Through the 2.6 Challenge, they hope to plug the gap to ensure their charity is funded at this especially difficult time.
